We are super excited to share our newest EP, “The Status Quo Must Go!”, with everyone later this year! We look at it as a protest album. We are protesting the Status Quo, in whatever form it takes. The Status Quo that we are protesting might be different from the one you are protesting, and we want to give everyone a place for their voice to be heard!
So we need your help to create the cover art for the EP. Send us your signs!! Make your own protest sign, it can be whatever you want it to say! It could say “ Hi Mom”, “Pete’s solo’s are awesome”, “End War”, “No Taxes”, or literally millions of other things you could be for or against. We are OK with anything except hate speech. Protesting can be positive and that is what we want it to be.
Take a picture of you holding up your sign and send it to us! It doesn't even have to be a picture, you can draw it, illustrate it, photoshop it, AI it, or whatever digital way you want to create it. We will collage them all together to create the cover art for the EP!!
The sign can be as simple or as detailed as you want. You can tape some paint stirring sticks to some poster board for a traditional protest sign, or just write on a piece of paper and hold it up like Tony does from the stage!
Everyone who sends in artwork will get listed on the inside cover, so when you send in your sign, let us know how you want to be listed in the album as well!
You can email it to us at: thestatusquoep@gmail.com
Everyone who sends in artwork agrees to let us use it on the album cover and for this we will recognize you on the inside cover. We hope everyone who sends in a pic will be able to make it on the album cover, but there is a chance some people won’t. We will try our best to fit every pic we get on the EP.
The deadline to send them in was July 28th, but we want more signs, so don't delay! This hopefully gives us enough time to get the artwork together and send it off to the pressing plant to get physical copies!
Not sure what to put on your sign?!! No problem. We will need signs that have the track listings and credits on them, so either send in you holding a blank sign and we can add some of that info on your sign, or email us that you're not sure what to put on your sign and we can let you know a song title to put on it!
We are totally looking forward to seeing what creative signs and artwork people send in! Please share with your friends and spread the word!